7 Surprising Things Scientists Have Learned About Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
Parapsychologists have been studying Near-Death-Experiences (NDEs) for many years, however, most of us aren’t familiar with what they’ve...

3 Quick Steps to Sideline Negative Thoughts
You’re in the Express Line at the supermarket and you find yourself counting the items on the conveyor belt of the person in front of...

7 Things Our Deceased Loved Ones Want Us to Know (Especially During the Holidays)
The holidays are often difficult for those of us who have lost someone close to us. I know the pain of losing someone at this time,...

Do Our Pets (in Spirit) Visit Us? My First Encounter with a Spirit Dog
One question I am often asked is, "Do pets cross over - can they visit us once they are gone?" I am happy to report that, yes, they do...

5 Tips to Record the Best EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena)
This time of year, everyone is “into” haunted houses, Halloween, and spirit/ghost communication. But many aren’t aware of the best way to...

The 5 Spirits You're Most Likely to See
Not everyone gets to see a ghost (spirit, apparition) in his or her lifetime, but if you do, there are 5 times it’s most likely to...

7 Ways Modern Spirits Communicate With Us
Have you ever received a phone call from the dead? A text or email message from someone that has passed? Most everyone is familiar with...

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) - The 7 Most Common Spirit Responses
Haunting voices and whispered warnings seem to proliferate on T.V. ghost hunting shows. Electronic Voice Phenomena (or EVPs) that warn to...

Does Your Dog Really Know When You're Coming Home? What the Science Says!
Have you ever noticed your pet is waiting for you at the door when you get home? If so, you’re not alone! This behavior was so...

Do You Have "Telephone Telepathy"? How to Find Out!
If you’ve never heard of “telephone telepathy,” you’re not alone! But it’s likely that it’s happened to you, perhaps even more than once....