What is a Psychopomp? (Shamanism)
In many cultures and mythology, a psychopomp is a person or being that assists souls in their transition to the other side. Most of us...

7 Things Our Deceased Loved Ones Want Us to Know (Especially During the Holidays)
The holidays are often difficult for those of us who have lost someone close to us. I know the pain of losing someone at this time,...

Haunted National Parks: The Ghost of LT Halyburton
The HMS Assistance "It was a dark and stormy night. We were standing on the deck. The ship was sinking..." (Remy Charlip, Reprinted 2010)....

5 Things The Walking Dead Taught Me About Paranormal Investigation
Okay, I admit it, I'm a huge Walking Dead fan. I won't psychoanalyze that admission - just pure entertainment and perhaps a diversion or...